GP-66 Proximity Reader Introduction

GP66 is a powerful extended range proximity RFID reader featuring small dimensions and a read range of up to 65 cm。This RFID reader making it particularly suited to access control ,car parking and through-wall reading applications .The same basic unit can be configured to output most of the common interface formats ,including Wiegand 26 or 34 bits,RS232 or RS485(depends on the firmware)making it easy to upgrade the existing installations.
❀ Can penetrate solar film (V-Kool40).
❀ Auto tuning function to compensate presence of metal and interference.
❀ Extended reading range from 65cm to 100 cm.
❀ Bright LED indicators, tuning LED bar.
❀ Firmware up gradable in the field.
❀ IP-65 waterproof housing design.
❀ High-quality power supply with noise filter included.
❀ Loop Inductive function optional.
❀ Anti-rereading function included.

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